Friday, April 16, 2010

Catch Up

So, I havent been on this in awhile to update so here we go!! Let's catch up on things. I just got back from Missouri yesterday. Robbie has been in caxs california all month and should be coming on the 24-28 and the latest would be May 8!! I wish he was home already boy let me tell you it gets pretty lonely here. Thank GOD I have my lil man though. :) Life has been going great though I cant complain. Ive made some new friends and there pretty awesome :) The Horton's (Casey,Jenni and there lil man Tristan) are super nice and Brayden loves to play with Tristan. There very close in age so its very nice. Here's a pic below of them minus her husband haha

So my bday was a lil over a week ago now and since Rob could not be here I asked him to send me a picture of himself to my phone and thats all I wanted!! He did it of course and I want to share with you it! IM NOW THE BIG 20, lol i feel so old. Robbie's bday is in a week now and he'll be 21 to bad he wont be home to spend it with us but he will be soon.

anyway pics speak alot more words than im willing to type right now so here ya go:
Brayden and I at the zoo in Missouri (his 1st time)

Here's a close up to see how big he is getting!! :)

Hope you enjoyed your catch up on our life and please keep checking this. we love u all