Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Mrs.

This my first blog ever. Not sure really on what I'm doing, but I hope you like it & enjoy!:)Well, Let's start off with today! It's been 2 days since Robbie's been in the field and I must say I miss him like crazy! Even though he will be back on Friday. I'm getting used to the fact of sleeping alone and I must say that during the day it's fine being just us two because I stay busy but as soon as the sun goes down it feels different when your used to feeling safe because your hubby is right there next to you and being able to relax with that special someone.;)But then again I'm very scared of the dark and sometimes need him to hold my hand.

It's AWESOME that our son Brayden is turning the BIG 1 on Jan.28!Just a couple days away yayy. It has been so great watching him grow from an infant to now. I wish he could of stayed tiny for longer. He grew way to fast & has won my heart!! :) Robbie left for boot camp when Brayden was only 2 weeks old and from all his schooling he rarely got to see his son until a few months ago. Robbie & Brayden have made a special bond that words can not describe. I can point at a piture and ask where's daddy and he will point at him in the pictures and then look around to see if he could find or see him. Brayden can be a huge handfull at times but he is worth all of it! Robbie has grown to be a GREAT DADDY!

Military Life is great. I'm learning as I go and so far I have no compliants at all. It's a great change & you honestly never know what to expect as a wife. Im hoping that Robbie will stay in The Marine Corps and make a long time career out of this. Switching jobs of course would be awesome. Right now he is doing artillery, his first choice was Fire,Crash, Rescue though. If I had a say I would rather him be doing that than anything else.

Rob & I have been doing great being MARRIEDDD!! Its been a whole five months now and going STRONG!! ;) Everyone says that your first year of marriage is hard & oo boy is that true. Through our down's we have turned them all around and nothing could stop us now. I've never been so happy in my life until robbie came into my life. We have many things to learn, but we are jumping in with both feet and ready for anything life throws at us! =]

Well its really late and i need some sleep. Good Night! Sweet Dreams!
Until next time.......