Friday, January 29, 2010


Boy o boy am I happy that its Friday. I got my husband home and our lil man in bed. We were soooo excited to have Robbie home yesterday. Tonight Robbie cooked me dinner! :) It was soooo DELICIOUS!! <3 Dont all ladies love when there man cooks for them? Well, today has been a great day though. cleaned, played with Brayden & cooked. Felt great to have a clean house! Ive sat around alot this week and it made me think about the military life so this is....

Basically this sums up the life of a military wife...

Chances are he will miss your birthday, your anniversary and Christmas. You will have no control over where or when you move. For the amount of hours he works, his pay will suck, but the MC will provide you with a roof over your head. If you get married and have kids and he stays in, you will be a single mom for months on end. He will get deployed and you will have to hold it together while he is gone. He will not get the option to call in sick. He doesn't get to be late, or take a day off. You will never be first in his life, no matter what he says, the Marine Corps always come first. There will be years that go by and you might not see your family. He will have to get a hair cut every week. He will take crap from his Sgt, or his SSgt or his Gunny, or his CO or whoever for his entire time in the Corps. There will always be someone higher than him giving him $hit and once he gets some rank under him he will give the people under him $hit. He will not be able to tell you where he is when he is deployed. You might get a country or a city/region, but other than that you are in the dark and you have to deal with it. You will grow up really fast and you will learn to be independent. You will learn to live without him. You will go to movies by yourself, you will eat at a restaurant alone. There will be days/weeks/months when he cannot call you. It doesn't mean that he doesn't love you, it just means he's busy. He will be busy. He will be in a constant training cycle. He will be required to get up early every morning and run or other PT. He will be required to stay in shape. He will bleed green. You will too.

I don't think a lot of people realize that being a Marine Wife is not a bunch of dasies. Its tough work. Its tough on a relationship, its tough on you and him and on your families. Its not a fairytale, its not glamorous. Its not exciting. It works. But it has it rewards.

You can expect to be proud. Of him, of the Corps, of your country. You can expect to be apart of something greater. The Wives that I have talked in my 1 year are some of the strongest most amazing and motivating women I have ever talked too. You can expect to be taken care of. You will get a base house or BAH to pay for rent off base. You will have access to the commissary and its CHEAPER than regular stores, no matter what anyone says. You will get health insurance and random military discounts.

You will learn about MOTO and BOOTS and IEDs and BAH. You will learn about Pendleton and Lejeune and Quantico. You will learn the difference between a DITYs and PCSing. The key is that you will learn what you don't know now. You won't have a choice. But thats never a bad thing.

You will be a direct reflection of him. At the ball, at the gas station, at the pre deployment briefs. He will be judged on your appearance and behavior and over all conduct. So will his house, his car, his dog and his kids.

You will come to realize that love isn't enough. There will be sacrifice, on both sides. You also need trust and dependency and independence. You will need to be able to sleep alone without crying yourself to sleep. You will need to be able to move across country on a weeks notice while he is deployed or in the field, or just not there. You won't have the option to say no. He may have signed away 4 or 8 or 20 years of his life, but it will be your life too.

But its our lives and we are trying our best! I love my husband and im all in for whatever life throws at us!!

That all being said, I would not trade any of it for anything.<3

Im off to watch the movie GAMER with Robbie! Have a great night!!